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Generate PDF Dynamically

This page shows how to generate a PDF dynamically based on query data or user inputs and preview it in a Document Viewer widget.

  1. In your Appsmith app, open the Libraries section from the sidebar, click the + icon, and add JavaScript library to generate the PDF.

Example: Import the jsPDF library.

To add tables and other UI components to the PDF, import the jsPDF AutoTable library (an extension for jsPDF).

  1. To generate the PDF, get data from user inputs (widgets) or fetch it dynamically from a database or API using a query.

Example: If you want to generate an offer letter, set up a form widget to capture the candidate’s information or create a query to retrieve details such as the candidate’s name, job title, start date, salary, and benefits.

  1. Create a new JSObject from the JS tab to define the logic for generating the PDF using the JS library.

Example: If you want to generate a offer letter based on the inputs provided by a user, you can create a JSObject to handle the logic and formatting of the PDF.

export default {
// Data object to store dynamic values
data: {
date: moment().format("Do MMM, YYYY"),
firstName: firstName.text,
lastName: lastName.text,
email: email.text,
jobTitle: jobTitle.text,
salary: baseSalary.text,

// Function to generate the offer letter PDF
generateOfferPDF(data = {
// Initialize a new PDF document
const doc = new jspdf.jsPDF();

// Add the header
doc.text("Offer Letter", 10, 10);
doc.text(`Date: ${}`, 10, 20);

// Add recipient details
doc.text(`To: ${data.firstName} ${data.lastName}`, 10, 30);
doc.text(`Email: ${}`, 10, 40);

// Add the body of the offer letter
doc.text(`Dear ${data.firstName},`, 10, 60);
doc.text(`We are pleased to offer you the position of ${data.jobTitle}.`, 10, 70); // Job title information
doc.text(`Your annual salary will be ${data.salary}.`, 10, 80); // Salary details

// Add acceptance section
doc.text("If you accept this offer, please sign below:", 10, 100);
doc.text("Signature: __________________________", 10, 110); // Signature placeholder
doc.text("Date: __________________________", 10, 120);

// Return the PDF as a data URI string (can be used to preview/download the PDF)
return doc.output("datauristring");
  • The data object stores values from input fields, and the generateOfferPDF function uses these values to populate the PDF content.
  • The code dynamically generates an offer letter PDF by retrieving user inputs (name, email, job title, salary) and formatting them using jspdf.jsPDF().
  • The final PDF is returned as a data URI, which can be displayed or downloaded.
  1. To preview the PDF, drag a Document Viewer widget and set its Document link property to:



See Also

  • To send the generated PDF via email, connect to an SMTP datasource and create a Send Email query. For more information, see How to Configure SMTP Datasource.

  • To download the PDF, use the download() function to save the file locally.

  • Sample App: Offer Letter Generation.